Indian Institute of Soil Science Indian Institute of Soil Science

भाकृअनुप-भारतीय मृदा विज्ञान संस्थान


From the Director's Desk...

Dr. S. P. Datta


Warm Greetings & Welcome

It is my proud privilege that I have been appointed as a Director of ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal, one of the world-renowned premier institutes of soil science. The Institute endeavours to undertake research activities in new frontiers of soil science considering the paradigm shifts in our understanding of soil- water- air- plant -human continuum. As the leader of team ICAR-IISS, Bhopal, I would ensure that various stakeholders of the nation (researchers, academicians, students, farmers, industries, policy makers, planners) and other collaborating nations shall be benefited through translational research in soil science which would provide sustainability in agricultural production. I encourage and welcome any collaboration and funding arrangement with national and international bodies and regulatory agencies for a sustainable research, technology development and policy formulation. In the light of Government guidelines related to National Agricultural Priorities to enhance the income/benefits of farmers and sustain the environment, ICAR-IISS, Bhopal is to chalk out research programmes. The preparatory phase of the provisional roadmap is to be developed in the following areas:

Research prioritization and multidisciplinary approach

Identification of key priority areas, more holistic and problem-solving projects in synchronization with Government schemes, and basic and strategic disciplinary as well as multi-disciplinary research are the need of the hour to attain professional excellence and innovations.

Basic research with high probability of convergence

More emphasis on fundamental processes operating in soil-plant continuum, which should find its application solving the problems aiming at improving soil functions. Basic research on alternate farming such as organic farming, natural farming etc., needs to be strengthened.

Improving nutrient and water use efficiency

Fertilizer product research involving nanotechnology and other novel approaches, in situ water harvesting watershed-based resource management, micro-irrigation and fertigation technologies, and precision farming involving AI and decision support tools, maintenance and sustenance of soil health, SSNM, use of RCTs are the ways and means of enhancing nutrient and water use efficiency.

Initiation of research on “One health approach’’

Multidisciplinary research on ‘One Health’, an integrated and unifying approach to assess and maintain soil, animal, human and environment health needs to be initiated. Feasibility of using modern tools like hyperspectral, proximal and remote sensing in assessing soil the state of soil health should be assessed.

Nutrient mining

In-depth understanding of nutrient mining and ways and means of arresting it to possible extent should be devised.

Initiation of research on rhizosphere for better understanding of nutrient dynamics and its availability

Impact of root growth and respiration, rhizodeposition, and uptake of water and nutrients on biological, chemical and physical changes in soils over variable distances from the root surface should be unraveled. Crop root density and architecture need to be assessed.

In-depth study on using non-conventional sources of plant nutrients

In the face of scarcity and escalating price of chemical fertilizers, research on the feasibility of using non-conventional sources of plant nutrients, such as waste mica, low grade rock phosphate, glauconite etc. needs to be intensified.

Integration of AICARPs

Meaningful integration and interaction among AICRPs are need of hour to address and improve the soil health holistically.

Orientation of soil research in the context of climate change

Center for carbon research for efficient carbon management needs to be established. Working on carrying capacity of major soil groups and assessing quality of soil organic carbon under various agroclimatic conditions should constitute priority. Urgent need is to assess and understand the impact of climate on soil properties and functions including nutrient supply capacity.

Research on risk assessment and remediation of polluted soils should get impetus

Detailed study on risk assessment and remediation options should be taken under normal and change conditions.

Initiation of PG Programmes

PG degree Programmes in soil science in collaboration with ICAR-IARI, New Delhi are to be initiated and strengthened.

Collaboration and linkages

National and international collaboration should be widened. Strong linkages with industries need to be established for up scaling the technologies. Functional linkages / MoUs with national and overseas universities need to be developed.

Resource generation and capacity building

Resource can be generated through externally funded projects, organizing HRD programmers, attracting R &D funds of industry and commercialization of technologies. Exposure of scientist and research personnel to national/international centres of excellence are required for capacity building.

Empowered with a strong team of 46 highly competent and motivated scientists duly supported by 13 technical, 18 administrative, 12 supporting staff, who are currently engrossed in research, teaching, training, consultancy and technology transfer/ commercialization, the institute’s research will be addressing all important fields with clear benchmarking of deliverables by undertaking basic, advanced and applied research. My ultimate aim is to envision an Institute where every IISSian takes pride in contributing with full potential using one’s own inherent intelligence and leadership to deliver outstanding research and services to the nation without compromising the respect, integrity and mark of excellence that ICAR and IISS behest in world science and technology arena.

Apart from the research activities, I shall try to bring the Institute in the forefront in implementing the administrative and financial reforms as instructed by the Council and also to take lead position in terms of implementing all the central schemes such as TSP, NEH plan, Official language implementation, e-office adaptation, seed village, farmers days, MGMG, SCSP, etc. and as per the directives from the Council. Moreover, the institute will also organize the Agriculture Education Day (December 3), National Science Day (February 28), International Women’s Day (March 8), International Yoga Day (June 21), as usual to spread awareness on scientific temperament as well as social well-being.

I solicit your valuable and constructive suggestions to help us to achieve our mission in the new millennium. On a positive note, we endure to serve the nation in a more prolific and rational way for a perkier, more gratifying and pleasing tomorrow.


(S. P. Datta)

funs'kd dk lans'k

lHkh fe=ksa dk Lokxr ,oa vfHkoknu
vki lHkh dks lwfpr djrs gq, vR;ar g"kZ gks jgk gS fd eq>s Hkk-d`-vuq-i-&Hkkjrh; e`nk foKku laLFkku] Hkksiky dk funs'kd fu;qDr fd;k x;k gS] tks e`nk foKku ds {ks= esa oSf'od Lrj dk ,d izeq[k laLFkku gSA e`nk&ty&ok;q&ouLifr&euq"; dh fujarjrk dks le>us gsrq gekjs ikl miyC/k mnkgj.kksa esa ifjorZu dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, ;g laLFkku e`nk foKku ds u, vk;keksa esa vuqla/kku xfrfof/k;ka izkjaHk djus dk iz;kl dj jgk gSA Hkkd`vuqi&Hkkjrh; e`nk foKku laLFkku] Hkksiky ds eqf[k;k ds :Ik esa eSa ;g lqfuf'pr djuk pkgwaxk fd ns'k ds fofHkUu fgr/kkjd ¼'kks/kdrkZ] f'k{kd] fo|kFkhZ] fdlku] m|ksx] uhfr fu/kkZjd] fu;kstd½ rFkk vU; lg;ksxh jk"Vª e`nk foKku esa vuqla/kku ls ykHkkfUor gksa rkfd d`f"k mRiknu esa LFkkf;Ro izkIr fd;k tk ldsA LFkk;h vuqla/kku] izkS|ksfxdh fodkl ,oa uhfr fu/kkZj.k ds fy, jk"Vªh;] varjkZ"Vªh; rFkk fu;ked vfHkdj.kksa ds lkFk fdlh Hkh lg;ksx ,oa foRriks"k.k O;oLFkk dk eSa Lokxr djrk g¡wA i;kZoj.k laj{k.k rFkk fdlkuksa dh vkenuh@ykHkksa dks c<+kus ds fy, jk"Vªh; d`f"k izkFkfedrkvksa ls lacaf/kr 'kkldh; fn'kk&funsZ'kksa dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, Hkkd`vuqi&Hkkjrh; e`nk foKku laLFkku] Hkksiky dks vuqla/kku dk;ZØeksa dh :ijs[kk rS;kj djuh gSA vafre jksMeSi dks izkjfEHkd pj.k esa fuEufyf[kr {ks=ksa esa fodflr fd;k tkuk gSA

vuqla/kku izkFkfedrk vkSj cgqfo"k;d %

O;olkf;d mRd`"Vrk ,oa uoksUes"k izkIr djus ds fy, eq[; izkFkfedrk okys {k=ksa dh igpku] izeq[k izkFkfedrk okys {ks=ksa dh igpku] 'kkldh; ;kstukvksa dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, leL;k dk lek/kku djus okyh ifj;kstuk,a izkjEHk djuk rFkk ewyHkwr o j.kuhfrd ,d ladk; rFkk fofo/k ladk; laca/kh vuqla/kku fd;k tkuk orZeku le; dh vko';drk gS rkfd O;olkf;d mRd`"rk ,oa uoksUes"k izkIr fd, tk ldsaA

vfHklj.k dh mPp laHkkouk ds lkFk cqfu;knh vuqla/kku %

e`nk dh fØ;kvksa dks lq/kkjus laca/kh leL;kvksa dks lqy>kuk] e`nk&ouLifr fujarjrk esa izpkfyr gksusokyh ewyHkwr izfØ;kvksa ij vf/kd /;ku nsukA oSdfYid [ksrh tSls tSfod [ksrh] izkd`frd [ksrh vkfn ij gksusokys ewyHkwr vuqla/kku dks l'kDr fd, tkus dh vko';drk gSA

iks"kd rRo ,oa ty mi;ksx dh n{krk esa lq/kkj ykuk %

uSuksVsDuksykWth ,oa vU; uohu fof/k;ksa ls mojZd mRikn vuqla/kku lapkfyr djuk] vklikl ds {ks= esa ty laxzg.k okVj'ksM vk/kkfjr lalk/ku izca/ku] lw{e flapkbZ ,oa moZjd flapkbZ izkS|ksfxfd;ka rFkk d`f=e cqf)eRrk o fu.kZ; ysusokys lk/kuksa lfgr lqfu;ksftr [ksrh] e`nk LokLF; dk LFkkf;Ro o j[kj[kko] ,l ,l ,u ,e vkj lh gh dk iz;ksx rFkk iks"kdrk dks c<+kus dk lk/ku gS o blesa mi;ksxh Hkh gSA

^^,d LokLF;^^ n`f"Vdks.k ij vuqla/kku izkjaHk djuk %

e`nk] i'kq] euq"; rFkk i;; LokLF; dks cuk, j[kus rFkk budk ewY;kadu djus ds fy, ,d lesfdr iz;kl rFkk ^^,d LokLF;^^ ij fofo/k ladk; laca/kh vuqla/kku izkjEHk fd;k tkuk tkfg,A e`nk LokLF; ds ewY;kadu gsrq vk/kqfud lk/kuksa tSls gkbijLisDVªy] izkWfDley rFkk lqnwj laosnu ds mi;ksx dh O;ogk;Zrk dk ewY;kadu fd;k tkuk pkfg,A

iks"kd rRo [kuu %

e`nk ls iks"kd rRoksa ds [kuu dks xgjkbZ ls le>uk rFkk ;FkklaHko bldh jksdFkke ds mik; djukA iks"kd rRo xfr'khyrk rFkk bldh miyC/krk dks csgrj us ds fy, jk;tksLQh;j ij vuqla/kku izkjEHk djuk %

tM+ksa dh o`f) o 'olu dk izHkko] izdan rFkk tM+ksa dh lrg ls ifjorZuh; nwfj;ksa rd e`nk esa gksus okys tSfod] jklk;fud rFkk HkkSfrd ifjorZuksa dk v/;;u djukA Qlyksa dh tM`ksa ds ?kuRo ,oa lajpuk dk ewY;kadu fd;k tkuk pkfg,A

ikS/k iks"k.k ds vikjaifjd lzksrksa ds iz;ksx dk xgu v/;;u %

jklk;fud moZjdksa ds c<+rs gq, ewY;ksa rFkk mudh deh dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, ikS/k iks"k.k ds vikjaifjd lzksrksa ds iz;ksx dh O;ogk;Zrk ij vuqla/kku djuk tSls fd & ekbdk vif'k"V fuEu dk jkWd QkLQsV] XywdksukbV bR;kfnA

vvf[ky Hkkjrh; lefUor vuqla/kku ifj;kstukvksa ¼, vkbZ lh vkj ih½ dk ,dhdj.k %

lHkh ¼, vkbZ lh vkj ih½ esa vkil esa lkFkZd laokn ,oa mUgsa lesfdr fd;k tkuk vko';d gS rkfd e`nk LokLF; esa lexz :Ik ls lq/kkj yk;k tk ldsA

tyok;q ifjorZu ds lanHkZ esa e`nk vuqla/kku dk mUeq[khdj.k %

n{krkiw.kZ dkcZu izca/ku ds fy, dkcZu vuqla/kku dsanz LFkkfir fd;k tkuk vko';d gSA izeq[k e`nk lewgksa dh ogu@/kkj.k {kerk ij dk;Z djuk rFkk fofo/k d`f"k tyok;q ifjfLFkfr;ksa ds varxZr e`nk ds tSfod dkcZu dh xq.koRrk dk ewY;kadu izkFkfedrk ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkuk pkfg,A tyok;q dk feÍh ds xq.kksa o dk;ksZa lfgr iks"kdrk iznk; {kerk ij gksusokys izHkko dks le>us rFkk mldk ewY;kadu fd, tkus dh rRdky vko';drk gSA

iznwf"kr feÍh esa lq/kkj ykus rFkk tksf[ke ewY;kadu ij vuqla/kku dks izkFkfedrk nh tkuh pkfg, %

lkekU; rFkk ifjofrZr voLFkkvksa esa lq/kkjkRed mik;ksa rFkk tksf[ke ewY;kadu ij foLr`r v/;;u fd, tkus pkfg,A  

LukrdksRrj dk;ZØe izkjEHk djuk %

Hkk—vuqi&vkbZ , vkj vkbZ] ubZ fnYyh ds lg;ksx ls e`nk foKku esa LukrdksRrj dk;Zdzeksa dks izkjEHk o lqn`< fd;k tkuk gSA

lg;ksx ,oa laidZ %

jk"Vªh; ,oa vUrjk"Vªh; lg;ksx dks foLrkj fn;k tkuk pkfg,A izkS|ksfxfd;ksa dks mUur cukus ds fy, m|ksxksa ds lkFk lqn`< lEidZ LFkkfir fd, tkus pkfg,A jk"Vªh; ,oa vUrjk"Vªh; ds lkFk le>kSrk i=@dk;Zdkjh lEidZ fodflr fd, tkus pkfg,A

lalk/kuksa dk l`tu ,oa {kerk fuekZ.k%

ckg~; foRriksf"kr ifj;kstukvksa ekuo lalk/ku fodkl dk;ZØeksa] m|ksxksa ls vuqla/kku ,oa fodkl ds fy, vuqnku@foRrh; lg;ksx vkeaf=r djuk rFkk izkS|ksfxfd;ksa dk O;olk;hdj.k djds lalk/kuksa dk l`tu fd;k tk ldrk gSA {kerk fuekZ.k ds fy, oSKkfudksa rFkk 'kks/kdrkZvksa dk jk"Vªh; ,oa vUrjk"Vªh; mRd`"Vrk dsUnzksa esa lgHkkfxr vko';d gSA

laLFkku esa 46 mPp n{krkizkIr oSKkfudksa dh ,d lqxfBr Vhe gS ftUgsa 13 rduhdh] 18 iz'kklfud] 12 lgk;d dkfeZdkas dk lg;ksx izkIr gSA ;s orZeku esa 'kks/k] v/;kiu izf'k{k.k] ijke'kZ ,oa izkS|ksfxdh izlkj@O;olk;hdj.k esa layXu gSA laLFkku dk vuqla/kku leLr egRoiw.kZ {ks=ksa ls lacaf/kr gS rFkk bldk mÌs'; ewyHkwr] mPp ,oa izk;ksfxd vuqla/kku ds ek/;e ls Li"V csapekdZ LFkkfir djuk gSA iwjk vafre y{; ,sls laLFkku dh ifjdYiuk gS tgka izR;sd vkbZ vkbZ ,l ,l dkfeZd viuh lEiw.kZ {kerk] vUrZfufgr cqf)eRrk o usr`Ro ds xq.kksa dk mi;ksx djrs gq, jk"Vª dks mRd`"V vuqla/kku o lsok,a lefiZr djsxk ftuesa lR;fu"Bk ,oa mRd`"Vrk ls dksbZ le>kSrk ugh gksxk A

vuqla/kku xfrfof/k;ksa ds vfrfjDr eSa ifj"kn ds funsZ'kkuqlkj iz'kklfud ,oa foRrh; lq/kkjksa dks ykxw djds laLFkku dks cukus dk iz;kl d:axkA lkFk gh ifj"kn ds funsZ'kkuqlkj ge lHkh dsUnzh; ;kstukvksa tSls&% Vh,lih] ,u bZ ,p ;kstuk] jktHkk"kk dk;kZUo;u] bZ&vkWfQl] cht xzke] —"kd fnol] ,eth,eth] ,l lh ,l ih vkfn dks xfr nsus dk Hkh iz;kl djsaxsA

oSKkfud n`f"Vdks.k ,oa tkx:drk ds izpkj izlkj ds fy, laLFkku esa ges'kk dh Hkkafr d`f"k f'k{kk fnol ¼03 fnlEcj½] jk"Vªh; foKku fnol ¼28 Qjojh½ vUrjkZ"Vªh; efgyk fnol ¼08 ekpZ½] vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol ¼21 twu½ vkfn dk vk;kstu fd;k tkrk jgsxkA u, lgL=konh esa gekjs y{;ksa dh izkfIr esa lgk;rk ds fy, eSa vkids cgqewY; ,oa l`tukRed lq>ko vkeaf=r djrk g¡wA ,d larks"ktud o lq[kn dy ds fy, ;qfDrlaxr o vuqdwyre rjhds ls jk"Vª lsok ds iz;klksa dh 'kqHksPNk ds lkFkA

t; fgUnA

¼,l-ih- nRrk½

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